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Mount Sion Secondary


Mount Sion CBS Secondary Vex Robotics Club is the first robotics club in a school in Waterford.

About Vex;

Every year, a new VRC game is introduced. In preparation for competition, teams machine a robot that can excel within the game’s rules and regulations to score as many points as possible. VEX is a metal-based robotics platform with bolt-together pieces that are machinable to create any mechanism. The Annual Competition is held in Cork.


About the Mount Sion CBS Vex Robotics Club;

The club was founded by teacher Mr. Galvin along with the help of Ms. Kearney. The club runs every Wednesday afternoon. The boys have to design and modify the robot to be able to complete the different challenges. The team then has to code the robot to work with the controller and also to run on an automatic programme. Students use the same tools and programming languages that professionals use every day.

In 2018 Vex released new software and the team wanted to upgrade their software to the Vex V5 Robot and also purchase arena equipment to better practise and refine their skills. The boys with the help of teachers Ms. Kennedy and Mr Galvin organised a raffle fundraiser, acquired approximately 20 prizes and sold tickets in school, to family and in the community. This included a day bag packing and selling tickets in our local Supervalu. The day was a great success and the team purchased the new robot and equipment.

Link to this year’s competition

Due to the current COVID restrictions and guidelines the club has made the decision to not run for the academic year 2020/2021.